Thursday, August 26, 2010

Being Alive

Hinduism says, depending on how you live your life (the theory of karma), you are repeatedly reborn until finally you go to heaven, the real abode of soul.

Buddhism preaches that you move a level up or down in every rebirth, the supreme being human, yet again depending on your attitude to life.

Egyptians, on the other hand, whose preachings are the most a materialistic atheist like myself can relate to, say that there is no rebirth. Each soul is given one life to live, one life to love and at the end of its tunnel, old man god (I take it to be a voice activated computer) asks you two questions.

*Boomy voice* Have you found joy in life?

*Same level of boomy, but a bit smug now* And have you brought joy to others?

As I said before, I am an atheist. I promise to write about that someday, but the point to my handing out of pamphlets on three distinct religious preachings is the common point emphasized in every single one of them, particularly Egyptian. Living (and trust me, I mean living) your life.

David Blaine will possibly hit Egyptian heaven. His coffee money trick is my
favorite to date.

I recently saw The Bucket List (yes this late. So?) and I can tell you this; I probably had an enlightenment equivalent, if not more, to Buddha’s. There is this element to the movie that really makes you sit up and go, “Do I want to end up like them and have just 6 months of my *respectable random number* years to fulfill the real desires in my life?” And the answer (at the risk of sounding like a politician) is no my friends. It most certainly is no.

In a recent interview, Shah Rukh Khan said that at then end of life, everyone is interviewed by god himself (Secret Egyptian! :O) and when he is asked what he really did in his lifetime, he wants to reply with a cheeky “everything”. And mean it.

Okay. For once, just this once, try letting go of all that you’ve been told. It doesn’t matter if you’re a religious person, an atheist, an agnost. Just think. Do you really know that there is another life waiting for you? That you will be reborn once again, given another chance to live life? No. What I know is, that I have this life. You have your life. We all have our lives. And you can’t fight afterwards if you get to know there is no rebirth, ‘cause hey, there’s no bringing back the dead.

We need to start making a change. Slowly, if you want. But, really start living your life. Don’t think about the next moment. Blink, and do it. Don’t think about what “they” would say. Because “they” have only one job. To sit back, and bark. Microsoft word is telling me that the previous sentence isn’t a proper one. Am I going to change it? No. Because I like the way it sounds. I’m in 12th. Should I be wasting my time on a blog? No. But I will. Because I LOVE doing this.

Do what you love. Go against the flow. Break out of your own cage, and do what you really want to do. Heck, photography isn’t a big career in India. Not all break through. But you like photography, right? Do it. Because all said and done, all advice given and all councilors consulted, at the end of the day it is you who has to live your life. Read the sentence again. YOU. YOUR LIFE.

So, for the first time peeps, Homework. Make a list of 3-5 things you really want/wanted to do in life and post them here on the comments. See how many you can check off. And note down right next to those things, how great you really felt when you checked them off. The emotion that will run through you, will be called feeling alive. One life to live, one life to love. Till then, if you have the woes, write down in that list “I will never be sad, and follow Dead Poet’s advice to wear a toothy smile.” Trust me, it will work.


Dead Poet.

P.S. :

1. Sky dive

2. Drive a Lamborghini Gallardo

3. Feel really goddamn happy for having done a good deed. X

4. Become a chef and have my own restaurant.

I have one checked off. Let’s see about you. Post the list. :)

And obviously, no note on living a life is complete without Jon Bon Jovi. Enjoy. And Learn.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Ride a motorcycle
    2. Do something about my photography (i think I'm considerably good at it!!) :D
    3. Go to Paris X (Yayy!!) - I really felt alive standing atop the Eiffel Tower. :)
    4. Punch Raveena in the face.
    5. Think up more things to add to this list. Haha!
