Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ta(l)king Point

Dictionary Definition: A means of communication between two or more people (informal). (There are other meanings too. But they really aren't required here!)
My Definition: If the other person's a book, Conversations are the eyes.

You can strike up a conversation on any topic. Obviously, there's an array of topics you certainly must avoid if it's you're talking to a person for the person for the first time. I mean, imagine you're on your first date. You obviously don't want to tell her about how you have a nasty habit of scratching yourself in public.

And you know, that really is the key to having a good, quality conversation! You just have to take note of the interests of the person you're talking to. Of course, sparking an interest in the person about your passion is one thing. But imposing yourself and continuously ranting? No way!

But then, interests really aren't stamped across a persons forehead! So you can't make conversation when you're meeting them for the first time, can you? Wrong. You can. There's this little game i invented and predictably gave it a predictable name. Questions! All you have to do is ask around polite questions (duh!) and therefore, you can get to know the person better. Then, something will just spark right up, and there you go! You're talking!

If you're a war veteran, talking to a supermodel at a party, she really won't be interested in how bombs back in the world war II used to function. And certainly, neither would you be interested in which is the best brand for lip gloss. But what both of you might be interested in, is how Jeffrey Archer writes the best of books and rom-coms are possible the best genre of movies that ever was. All you have to do, is just a little bit of poking around, and you would find something to talk about.

Conversation is extremely similar to poetry. It just flows, and can't have a break to it. :) And if you have the woes, share them! Conversation helps! But remember the toothy smile! Cuz I can assure you, nobody has the interests of talking to someone with a frown! So keep it plastered over there! :D

Dead Poet.

P.S - I said everything about you taking note of the interests of the people you're talking to. What about them taking note of your interests? Well, that's what compatibility is darling!

A Coffee Cup in Hand..

Hey there!

Just watched Made of Honor.. Sigh, beautiful movie.. Got mush on my mind. But anyway I’m not going to write about mush today! Or emotional intellect anyhow! (I guess it does have to do with the fact that I desperately don’t want you guys to think I’m gay.)

I am, however, going to write about me first love. Coffee. Sigh sigh sigh! Isn’t it just the most wonderful thing in the world?! It’s a legal drug for one.(No, i do not mean to say drugs are cool. Legal, or otherwise! And not exactly the kind that would make your stomach hurt if you’ve been off it for a long while! (Let’s ignore the fact that your head throbs instead)

[ Just look at those heavenly beans.. Sigh! :) ]

Actually, I kinda believe that my, ahem, addiction is hereditary. See, my mom would be in jail today, imprisoned for life for drug use, had coffee consumption been illegal! Thankfully it isn’t, so I still have mommy to cook me the yummiest chocolate puddings ever!

Ah, anyway, not drifting from the topic. A beautiful movie, an engrossing book or simply a great friend is the perfect topping for a coffee! And heck, you can just have some alone, to sit back and relate! A coffee cup in hand always boosts my brain activity. It gets my creative side out, let’s loose some hormones it really shouldn’t *winks* or just helps me through math! Genuinely speaking, coffee has the opposite effect on me.. Usually, coffee is consumed to get our sorry asses out of bed, and not in! Yeah okay, if I don’t get coffee in the morning, my day SUCKS! But no seriously, if I grab a cup at the end of a looo(..)oong and tiring day, it just helps me relax and let loose all the tension and the worry and the emotions and the woes I’ve held on to all day long, and helps me get a deep, satisfying good nights sleep!

Coffee is an amazing thing, and yet, there are some countries as dumb as the US, where coffee is only grown commercially by one state, and that’s Hawaii. I mean, how big is Hawaii anyway?! It

fits under my goddamn thumb! (on the map anyway) Pah, Americans. Why should they care. They get everything imported anyway. That’s right, feed off the worlds resources, and leave the largest carbon footprint EVER!

Ooh, drifting again. Sorry. I’m kinda over joyed and a tad bit high on caffeine right now!

So, how many of you out there like coffee? Hot or cold? Arabica or is it going to be Caribbean for you? 5% chicory or higher?! Leave back your views! I’ll be waiting! Write a poem if you love the fine brown texture! :D

And as always, if you have any woes, keep ‘em tucked away under the constantly yellowing teeth of a caffeine laden toothy smile.


Dead Poet.


Coffee’s so cool,

It makes me drool.

A Texture so fine,

It makes me rhyme.

That heavenly brown,

Just about fixes my frown,

And so now you know it,

Coffee or nothing for the Dead Poet.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Insecure Bastard

Ever had that feeling that.. I dunno.. say your friends are just suddenly gonna be struck by lightening, and start hanging out with this new guy/girl instead? Or maybe, the girl/guy you’re going strong with just might lose every feeling they have for you, and go out with someone else? If you haven’t, thank your lucky stars. ‘Cuz it sucks.

And it’s not only the numerous pangs of pain that you get in your chest, or the countless sleepless nights that sucks. The repercussions do too. And the guilt is amazing. Cuz 90% of the times, turns out, you’re just hallucinating and nothing’s wrong. At all. And then all you’re left with is that single thought in you’re head, that eats you up on the inside; You blew it.

Insecurity is one of the most common traits in humans. And it really isn’t always bad. Sometimes, it’s just an expression of love, a means to show that you care so much about that one person, and they hold so much value in your life, that you just can’t bear losing them to someone else. And this is something that only the person who’s insecure can feel.

But (and as I always say, there always is a but!) contrary to something I (also) always say (that being too much is never enough), excess of some things is bad. And Insecurity is most certainly included in that elite list. It can ruin relationships and severe ties, rip apart friends and leave exceedingly deep wounds.

So in the end, I’d like to say, keep the insecurity to a bare minimum. They love you, mostly because you love them. And love’s one hell of a strong emotion. And it’s not something that new chump can take away. Stop obsessing over the “What if it happens/ When if it happens”. Loose your sleep, pull your hair your and shed those priceless drops of sparkling water only when you actually notice the situation slipping right out of your hands. Talk it out. They’re you’re mateys for god’s sake. But don’t fight with them. ‘Cuz you can only realize ones worth once you loose them.

And if it’s really a way of expressing your love or the importance they hold you’re looking for, do it through poetry. Words are a powerful weapon. Not through insecurity.
And if you really have the woes, keep ‘em tucked under a toothy smile. ;)

Dead Poet.

P.S. – Dead poet WAS an Insecure Bastard. This post is dedicated to him.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Opening Verse

Well, Hello!

So this is it, my first ever blog, that has been created by a mix of a spontaneous decision and and over-loaded emotion dam(n) !! As every other thing that I start, I'll try to keep up with it, and NOT give it up somewhere in between..

You're going to follow the blog, then you have to know what it's all about! Well, it's about anything and everything.. From petty matters such as a dead street dog or something as big as a fight with my best friend. From advice and views on chivalry to politically driven allegations..

It may be a while before I get a hang of this thing, but what the heck! Nobody cares, do they?!

Oh yeah, also, an explanation of the title..
"Dead Poet" refers to me.. (Don't ask what the "Dead" is for. It just sounds cool) and woes are the everyday stuff I'll write about.
Some of the things you Guys ( and Girls) really must get used to is my use of two dots ".." instead of three. Blame it on the texting! :D

So I'll be off now, and will be back soon with something to write about. Till then, Keep the poetry flowing and the woes nicely tucked away under a toothy smile, because, Heck, no point taking life seriously, because we do know the end anyway! No matter how much we try, we just have to exit the world alone, and so its better to leave behind happy memories among the people you love the most and have gratitude on your deathbed because in the hardest of times, you bit back the tears, and instead made them smile!!

Dead Poet.

P.S : Leave back some nice comments. With a smile. :)